Make tourism more respectful of marine life

Technological Module : Database

A. Exploratory research

Project n°1: Pavillon Bleu

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1. Project carriers: Pavillon Bleu team members
2. Beneficiaries: Endangered marine species, Birds, People, Tourists
3. Users: Tourists going to Bretagne
4. Need: The need to go on a beach or to a harbour that is clean and respectful of the environment.
5. Principle: It registers the beaches and harbours that recieved the Pavillon Bleu Label for 2021. In 2021 410 beaches and 115 harbours got the the label.This label has been designed in line with the Sustainable Development Objectives and are based on the following main criteria: From the list of cities that is provided on the App, you can locate the beaches and harbours and also get the meteo.
6. Main technologies involved: Geolocalisation, get the weather from other websites (API), linked to a database of all beaches and harbour (database)

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Project n°2: Obsenmer

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1. Project carriers: Cotentin Cetacean Study Group
2. Beneficiaries: Endangered marine species, Birds, People, Tourists
3. Users: Its has been designed for a large set of people: it can be for professionnals, associations, boaters and it can be used in ecotouristic programs.
4. Need: The need is to raise awareness about marine ressources of the erea, the regulation that is enforced and the good practices that need to be followed.
5. Principle: It divides 6 geographical ereas: mediteranean sea to Açores, the English channel, Atlantic ocean, Guyana, Polynesia and Antilles. There are two levels of observation for boaters: the expert level and boater level. This application includes: a guide of identification to recognize the different species, an historic of observations, a quizz to train to recognize the different species and the possibility to share your observations on the social media.
6. Main technologies involved: A database registering all of the observations, a tool to help the photo identification of marine animals, the use of a GPS and an API to share your discoveries on the social media.

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Project n°3: Nav&Co

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1. Project carriers: The French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) and the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (SHOM).
2. Beneficiaries: Endangered marine species, Birds, People, Tourists
3. Users: Boaters that navigate in the breton erea.
4. Need: The need is to raise awareness about marine ressources of the erea, the regulation that is enforced and the good practices that need to be followed.
5. Principle: This application let you discover the local biodiversity, based on nautical chart of Brittany's water. It informs the boaters when they enter a marine proctected erea and any erea where a particular environmental regulation is enforced. At the end of the trip a dashboard is generated, summing up, the path that have been taken during the trip. For now, the application is applicable from Mont Saint-Michel to Croisic.
6. Main technologies involved: Use the location of the phone based on GPS and network, USB storage, a database registering the environmental legislation, pictures and information about biodiversity and a connection to the service that gives information about the tides.

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Project n°4: Ocean's Zero

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1. Project carriers: Surfrider Fondation Europe
2. Beneficiaries: Endangered marine species, Birds, People, Tourists
3. Users: People that live or tourists that stay on the seaside.
4. Need: The need is to raise awareness about marine ressources of the erea, the regulation that is enforced and the good practices that need to be followed.
5. Principle: This application offers to teach users how to reduce waste through a serie of 25 challenges. Each challenge corresponds to a type of behavior and for each behavior is explained the impact on the environment and the actions that can be made to reduce it. At the end of each challenge it also displays the result of the other users and evaluates the positive impact all the users had together on the environment.
6. Main technologies involved: The main technology involved is a database storing the different data related to the challenges.

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B. Deepening

I - Obsenmer:

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1. Carriers and actors of the project: In addition to the intiators of the project we can also find the following actors:
2. Research question: How can boaters be aware of marine species to be protected?

3. The reason I selected the project: I've selected this project for the following reasons:

II - User scenario:

1. Users: Its has been designed for a large set of people: it can be for professionnals, associations, boaters and it can be used in ecotouristic programs.

2. Persona: Sam is a single 27 year-old engineer that is a nature and an animal lover. He enjoys practicing scuba-diving, sailing, climbing and hiking during his sparetime. He can't spend a week without going out for a run or else for a walk in the forest. As during his scuba-diving sessions he noticed that the variety of species encountered decreased, he is worried about the fact that in a few years from now, most of them will disappear. In addition to this, he sees that a lot of people aren't aware of the harm that can cause their misbehavior when going on holidays on the seaside. Therefore, his main preoccupation is finding a way to make people aware of the beauty of the marine life.

3. Key features: Thanks to this app, the user can:
4. UX storyboard:

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III - Technical analysis:

1-2. Technical overview - Database version:
The different databases that are used in the project are the following: information related to the observation, the animals that have been registered, informations of the user, information about the observation parameters.

Observations' database: Animals' database: Users' database:
Types of action:

- data is created : a user creates and fill-in the information related to the journey.

- data is read : a user access the documentation to get more information about a specie.

- data is updated : a new observation is created and the map displaying the count of observation per geographical erea is updated.

- data is deleted : a user decides to delete his Obsenmer user account.

Types of query:

- search : a specie

- filter : by group of species

- sort : by name of specie

3. Added value thanks to databases: The databases are in this case essential because there are a lot of information that need to be strictly organized and structured. The use of data base improve the access to data through query languages for the specific needs of each part of the app. Thus it avoids data redundancy.